
12 fevereiro 2013

Festa da Sopa de Contas / Bead Soup Blog Party

Este ano estou a participar na Festa «Bead Soup Blog Party» que tem a organização da generosa artista Lori Anderson. Vai já na sétima 7.ª edição e conta com mais de 500 participantes, o que constitui um número recorde.
~ This year, I've taken part in the Bead Soup Blog Party organised by the generous artist Lori Anderson. This is the 7th edition and there are over 500 participants. ~

O que se passa nesta festa é que, para cada criador de bijutaria, a Lori vai escolher um parceiro. Estes, entre si, vão trocar uma «sopa de contas». Em cada «sopa» deve constar uma conta focal e um fecho bonito, além de algumas contas a condizer.
~ For the Party, each jewellery designer is paired with another participant and they must exchange a bead soup. Each "soup" must include a focal bead, a beautiful clasp and some beads. ~

No sábado, fiquei a saber que a minha parceira se chama Evelyn Duberry, vive em Ottawa no Canadá e é escultora de peças em vidro bem como de contas que podem ser utilizadas em bijutaria. É sobretudo conhecida pelas suas contas em forma de deusas - nus femininos que têm sido identificados desde a Antiguidade como deusas da fertilidade - e que estão na posse de coleccionadores em todo o mundo.  Apesar de o vidro ser habitualmente transparente, Evelyn prefere conferir-lhe um aspecto opaco e orgânico.
~ On Saturday, I received an email from Lori saying that my partner is Evelyn Duberry. She is currently living in Ottawa (Canada) and she is a glass artist who creates sculptures and beads that can be used in jewellery.  She is best known for her goddess beads - nude female forms that have been identified since Antiquity as fertility goddesses - which have been purchased by collectors around the world. While glass is usually renowned for its transparency, Evelyn prefers an opaque and organic finish. ~

No sítio ShebaMakeda Glass Art, Evelyn fala dos seus projectos, exposições, do seu percurso, bem como da sua participação em edições anteriores desta Festa.
~On her site named ShebaMakeda Glass Art, you can read about her projects, exhibitions, creative journey, as well as her participation in former editions of Bead Soup Blog Party.~

Anteontem, a minha «sopinha de contas», que podem ver na foto a seguir, iniciou a sua viagem até ao Canadá. Desculpem a qualidade da fotografia, mas não posso mostrar nada antes de a Evelyn as receber.
~On Monday, my bead soup (in the picture) started the journey to Canada. I'm sorry about the quality of the photo but I can't show you anything until Evelyn receives my beads.~

Tenham um dia bonito!
~Have a nice day!~

9 comentários:

  1. It is very interesting the Bead Soup Blog Party!
    I am looking forward to see your bead soup exchange!!Lots of kisses!

    1. Hi, Anna! I've followed former editions of the Bead Soup Blog Party and I always loved how creative people are when challenged to work with materials which were not chosen by them. It's going to be very funny. I am in the 3rd reveal date, that meaning that on 13th April I'll post here on my blog my piece of jewellery using my partner's bead soup. Happy creations!

  2. Hola vengo a visitar tu blog y te tengo que decir que me ha gustado mucho. Saludos desde el Valle del Jerte en Cáceres, España y te invito a que conozcas mi blog cuando quieras.

  3. Oh! The bead exchange seems so interesting! I suppose you will create something with the beads and show it off to us? I'm looking forward into seeing your creations!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

    1. Hi, Tina! The Party is really a great idea. It makes us meet new people, learn new ways of designing and mostly having fun as everybody in the group loves designing jewellery, although some are amateurs (like me) and some are full-time artists.

      This Party, already in its 7th edition, couldn't exist without Lori Anderson's generosity who is organising it for free. There are 3 reveal dates (when you show your design with the received soup). I'm on the 3rd reveal date - so, on 13th April I'll post here what I've made.

      Take care!

  4. Hi! Came to you from Wild roses and Blackberries. Your bead soup looks very delicious. I love your work. Simple but beautiful designs. Fashionable but unique. The colours remind me of the summer amidst all the snow here in Stockholm. I'd love to learn some Portuguese. Reading is not a big problem, but to understand what people say!

    I 've been to Portugal where I've seen astonishing historical monuments. The nature is also beautiful. The best visits have been to Madeira and to the Azores Islands. The Azores is the most amazing and beautiful place I've ever visited. I'm planning a trip to The Azores Island in May. And maybe to Madeira for the third time next winter. Elisabet

    1. Hi, Elisabet. Thank you for your kind words. I've never been to the Azores nor to Madeira, but those who have visited them say that nature was very generous around those places. I'll continue to write my blog in Portuguese (and English) and I also have a Facebook account where I post daily about anything I fancy- it's in
      Hope you have a nice holiday in the Azores. If you want to write me in Portuguese, feel free to do it. Adeus!

  5. Hi, Hannah! I'm visiting all blogs too, but they're so many...It's interesting to see the diversity in styles, techniques, level of expertise. I promise I'll post here the bead soup I've sent as soon as my partner Evelyn receives it. Happy beading!

  6. I'm doing my first Bead Soup Blog Party and want to visit everyone's blog over the duration of the party. Since it's my first one, I want to see all I can see. :-)
    My blog is I hope you make it by sometime soon!


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