Hello dear readers and be welcome, new members! This is the second jewellery set I've just made with the fun tagua beads I won from Ecuadorian Hands. You can read my post about it, here. For today's set I've used these yellow round 7mm beads.
Adicionei contas de coco e de madeira e consegui um conjunto de acessórios com um look natural e tropical.
I added some coconut and wooden beads and the result were accessories with a natural and tropical look.
Colar comprido em fio de algodão e contas naturais. Não foi utilizado qualquer metal.
Long necklace made with cotton cord and natural beads. It is metal free.
Uma conta que funciona como fecho e que possibilita que se ajuste o comprimento do colar.
Lenght is adjustable by pulling the threads that go through the closing bead.
Pulseira com fecho ajustável.
Bracelet with adjustable knot.
I've found this video on the internet where I learned how to make an adjustable ending for the bracelet.
Vídeo: How to tie a sliding knot bracelet (Como fazer uma pulseira com nó ajustável)
Brincos mini-borla.
Small tassel earrings.
Estou a planear criar um colar com as fatias de jarina que recebi. O modelo já está pensado, falta pôr mãos-à-obra. Talvez durante este fim de semana. Está a decorrer um outro sorteio da Ecuadorian Hands, desta feita no blogue Beading Gem de Pearl Blay. Muito obrigada pelos vossos comentários que me alegram o dia.
Now I'm planning my next necklace but with some tagua slices. I've already decided about the design, all I have to do is start making it. Maybe this week-end. There is another giveaway from Ecuadorian Hands, this time at Beading Gem's Beading Journal. Thank you very much for your comments which brighten my day.
Πολύ όμορφα κοσμήματα!!!!Υπέροχη δουλειά!!!Φιλιά!!!