
14 agosto 2018

Back To Beading/Regressei às criações

Hello, dear readers. 

I am back to beading and blogging too. Some blogs that I used to follow have not been updated for some time too. Is everybody only on Facebok and Instagram? Do people still write on blogs? What programme or application do you use to read blogs?

Are there are blog hops in the coming months? I would like to participate but I do not know about any this year or even next year. 

I am sure though that I want to join Bead It Forward though next year. For those who do not know, Bead It Forward is an annual event in which beaders contribute with small squares stitched in peyote that will be put together in quilts which are later auctioned being its revenue directed to breast cancer research. 

The following creations include pendants handmade by Majoyoal, artistic name for Mari Carmen Rodriguez, who currently has a Etsy shop. I bought them on DaWanda, a platform which is going to close soon.


Voltei aos trabalhos com contas e missangas depois de uma longa interrupção. Certos blogues que eu acompanhava não estão a ser atualizados. Está toda a gente apenas no Facebook e no Instagram? Vai haver blog hops nos próximos tempos? Para quem não conhece a expressão, blog hops são «encontros» de blogues nos quais os blogueiros combinam um dia para publicar um post dedicado a um tema.

Sei que quero participar no Bead It Forward de 2019. Este é um evento anual em que se participa enviando quadrados feitos em peiote que serão mais tarde costurados para fazer quilts (são algo parecido com colchas de retalhos). Esses quilts irão a leilão e a receita daí proveniente irá reverter para a investigação do cancro da mama.

Página no Facebook:

As fotos são de colares que fiz com pendentes artesanais em cerâmica por Majoyoal (Mari Carmen Rodriguez).
Respetiva loja na plataforma ETSY (mercado norte-americano de produtos artesanais mas com vendedores de todo o mundo):

6 comentários:

  1. So glad to see a new post from you, Ana! The necklaces you've made are absolutely lovely, Majoyoal's pendants are so beautifully made! Is DaWanda closing? Too bad, it's another sign of how difficult it is to sell handmade items these days but we shall persist :) Yeah, blogging is not as popular as it used to be, it is gradually giving way to other platforms but I think that communication there is superficial and you can't give or get details or more information. Oh, what a nice picture and that's about all :) I still keep blogging because I want to share more information with readers. Maybe because that's how I learned a lot - from blogs and YouTube tutorials. Check out this post for some challenges

    1. Thank you, Rozantia, for taking the time to leave such a long and informative comment.

      About blogging I am not sure what direction I want to take, but it has to come from the heart and not doing it as a chore.

  2. Oh I totally agree! And I'm happy to see you again. I've been slowing down even stopping sometimesl, beading and blogging but like you I'm trying to start again and be more regular. I will be happy to see your new stories and creations.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Karin.

      It seems blogging is not popular anymore, but I will do it nevertheless. I love reading the stories behind creations, what inspires people, the materials used, the techniques, the challenges faced, and that is not possible on Facebook or Instagram.

  3. So nice to see you again, Ana!!! Keep bloging!!!

    1. Thank you for your words. It is so good to be among people who cherishes us.


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