
03 março 2023

Bead Soup Cafe January Challenge - Desafio de janeiro do grupo Bead Soup Cafe

Olá, queridos leitores! // Hi, dear readers!

Este ano, estou no grupo Bead Soup Cafe no Facebook (aqui) e estou a participar nos desafios. // This year I am joining some challenges from Bead Soup Cafe group in Facebook (here).

O desafio de janeiro era uma troca de contas com inclusão de um pendente grande para usar num colar e de um fecho que não fosse um fecho simples de mosquetão. // The January Challenge was a bead swap in which there had to be a pendant to be used to make a necklace and a clasp that it was not a simple clasp.

A minha parceira é a canadiana Sarah Reid do Canadá, da província de Ontário. // My partner is Canadian Sarah Reid, who lives in the province of Ontario.

Já falei dela na última publicação (aqui). / I have already written about here in my last post (here).

O que ela me enviou levou exatamente um mês para me chegar às mãos, porque agora tudo passa pela alfândega. // The 'bead soup' sent by her took exactly one month to come to my house, because now everything has to go through customs.

A Sarah enviou-me materiais lindos, como podem ver pelas fotos. // Sarah has sent beautiful beads, as you can see in the photos.

A bolsinha // The pouch

O pendente criado pela própria Sarah // Handmade pendant by Sarah

As contas de autor artesanais // Art beads

Uma fiada de contas da pedra cacoxenita // A string of cacoxenite round beads 

Contas de vidro checas, acessórios da marca TierraCast e Nunn Design e mais algumas coisas // Czech glass beads, TierraCast and Nunn Design findings and a few other things

Estou muito grata pelo bom gosto e generosidade da Sarah. // I am very grateful for Sarah's  good taste and generosity.

Irei criar um colar e uns brincos, pelo menos. // I will make a necklace and a pair of earrings, at least.

Da minha parte, enviei um pendente da norte-americana Laura Souder, um fecho TierraCast e contas da marca austríaca Swarovski // I have sent to Sarah a raku handmade pendant by Laura Souder, a TierraCast and some Swarovski beads.

Bead Soup Cafe January Challenge

Já participou nalgum evento neste tipo onde havia troca de materiais para criarmos algo novo e diferente do habitual? // Have you ever participated in a event like this in which you swapped materials so that you create something new and different from the usual makes?

Obrigada pela atenção. // Thank you for reading.

07 fevereiro 2023

Bead Soup Cafe Challenge / Desafio do grupo Bead Soup Cafe

Dolphin Parade - Setubal

Olá, caros leitores.

Hi, dear readers.

Ano Novo Vida Nova dizem.

In Portuguese, there is a saying that a New Year is a New Life.

Por isso, vou participar no desafio de janeiro do grupo Bead Soup Cafe que só está no Facebook (AQUI).

So, I am taking the January Challenge for Bead Soup Cafe that is only on Facebook (HERE)

Este desafio é trocar contas com outro membro do grupo e fazer um colar e algo mais com estas contas e algo que já tenhamos. 

This challenge is to swap some beads with another member of the group and make a necklace and something else with these beads and other materials we may already have.

A minha parceira é Sarah Reid, do Canadá; olhem quantas coisas bonitas ela faz.

My partner is Sarah Reid from Canada; please check out the gorgeous things she makes.



Facebook Page

Aqui está a lista com os parceiros que irão trocar materiais - é apenas um 'printscreen' da imagem, não estando a funcionar os links.

Here is the list for people who are swapping materials, but do not expect it to take you there as the group is private and as such the links are not working.

bead soup cafe challenge - january 2023

Setubal downtown

31 dezembro 2022

Happy New Year 2023! / Feliz Ano Novo 2023!


This is what I have been making in 2022: mostly pentagons for the Louise Carter's challenge named International Patchwork Sculpture.

É isto que eu tenho estado a fazer em 2022: sobretudo pentágonos para o desafio de Louise Carter intitulado International Patchwork Sculpture.

Feliz Ano Novo 2023

09 outubro 2022

Louise Carter and International Patchwork Sculpture

Hello, dear readers!

Today, I am going to talk about a beading international project that I have joined during International Beading Week (HERE) back in July and to which I want to invite you to join in.

beader Ambassador Louise Carter
Louise Carter

Louise Carter's cat
Beading buddy

The projet is International Patchwork Sculpture (HERE) and it is the creation of Australian beader Louise Carter (HERE), who has a passion for geometric beadwork. 

Exceptional geometric beadwork by Louise Carter

Louise has kindly accepted to participate in the following interview, which was inspired by a Spanish beading blog (HERE):

Please tell us your name. Louise Carter

How old are you? I am 32 this month (21st October)

In what country were you born? Australia 

Do you still live in that country? Yes, and in the same town Mackay

When did you start beading? I started beading when I was a teenager, when I was about 16 or 18, but I didn’t really get into beading until 2014.

How did you start? My mum took me to a workshop and I made a bracelet from seed beads and brought several beautiful lampwork glass beads.

I half hardly gave beadwork ago, like many other crafts, but one day I came across a beaded 3D ball on the internet and gave it a go and was hooked.

Original designs by Louise Carter
Beaded gold dresses by Louise Carter

Please name three beading artists who inspire you. 

Ashley Mae, also known as PinkythePink, was one of the first beaders I was inspired by. I found her on an art site called Deviant Art and she makes miniature dresses that are so amazing. 

Sharl G. Smith was also someone I was inspired by early. I came across her sculpture White 11, 2017 – it looked amazing and I love her style. 

Suzanne Golden is also another beader I am inspired by – she makes bright coloured beadwork with large Perler beads.

Exceptional beadwork
Amazing geometric beadwork by Louise Carter 

How many hours per week do you dedicate to beading? Is this more than a hobby? 90ish% of the time – I spend most of the day beading. I wake up, make a coffee and get to work, then I will bead all day with a few short breaks. 

On the weekdays, I have a casual job that I go to for unto 4 hours in the evening and then I come back, eat dinner and keep beading. 

I used to work out at the mining camps, but I really wanted to have more time to bead and have been working on making it more full-time. 

And sometimes I spend time with my family and go on mini adventures around the Mackay region.

Trabalhos em missangas geométricos por Louise Carter
Delightful geometric beadwork by Louise Carter

Do you have any other hobbies? I read a lot, and love audiobooks as I can read while I am beading. When I was a teenager I would spend a few months on a hobby and then a few months reading and then a few months doing something else. I do try out other hobbies every now and then but mostly I just focus on beading these days.

International Patchwork Sculpture project by Louise Carter
International Patchwork Sculpture project by Louise Carter

Please tell us about this international project. So the International Patchwork project is about giving people  new skills and knowledge, but mostly confidence. Working with The Beadworkers Guild I chose pentagons as the 2D shape as it is one that hasn’t been done before in international projects and because it gave everyone more room to create their own patterns on the shape. When all the pentagons will be sent in I will join them together and video the process for everyone to see how it is done.

How did you come up with the idea? I get a lot of beaders who comment on how lovely my 3D shapes are but that they wouldn’t be able to make something like that, and I thought as they are made in parts, it was something that they could learn to do. And when we were making warped squares for Sam Norgard’s project I noticed a few people were having trouble getting the colours needed for the project, so I wanted a theme that gave people the opportunity to use what they already had in their stash if they wanted to. I also chose Patchwork as the theme because I loved the idea of communities coming together to create large patchwork quilts.

From where are the participants? The project has participants from all over the world, there are several in Australia, some in Portugal, the UK, USA, Belgium, South Africa, Sweden and Switzerland to name a few places.

Where will the sculpture be shown? The finished project will be shown in my hometown at one of my local libraries next year in June and then it will be sent to the Museum of Beadwork in America – they are excited to house the project.

Will you be keeping it? No, as much as I’d love to.

projeto International Patchwork Sculpture de Louise Carter
Some of the pentagons made by Louise Carter for International Patchwork Sculpture project

Do you have any projects/goals for the future? Yes, I will be making a sugar cube-inspired project in CRAW, inspired by my hometown’s sugar cane industry. And when I get the beads I’ll continue to work on my current collections. I also want to make a crystal cave-inspired shape and have a lot of other ideas, just waiting to be made. 

My goals for the future are to break some beading world records. It will be tough as the records are already tough to beat, but I am thinking about how to make a future international project for a world record work. And I also want to make a work to highlight the bleaching of the coral reef, but it will be complicated so I will need to think about it for a while longer.


International Patchwork Sculpture group on Facebook (join us!)

International Projects for International Beading Week 2022

Delicate By Lou – Louise's blog

Delicate by Lou (Instagram)

All photos are Louise Carter's and are protected by copyright.

11 setembro 2022

Soutache Workshop

On 3rd September, I took a virtual workshop in Soutache Embroidery by The Bead Shop Nottingham.

It was my first time doing soutache embroidery and it was great fun. 

The instructor was the lovely Steph who demonstrated everything and we embroidered along with her. We were able to make a great part of this gorgeous pendant. 

We have used three colours of soutache braid and three sizes of beads. Everything is joined by Nymo thread (I had to colour mine later with a marker as I did not have the adequate colour, it was almost white) and a 12 beading needle. 

One has the option to take the workshop with or without the materials. I really had to choose the non-material option as there was not enough time for the materials to reach me in time – now it takes four weeks since there is a border and orders have to go through customs.

I have bought several times from this great bead shop (I just wish there was something like this in Portugal – sigh) but this is the first time I do a project from the shop. 

My first purchase were the small silver plated bookmarks above back in 2012 about which I blogged here.

Have you ever tried soutache embroidery? 

I have really learned a lot from the workshop, I now feel confident to try new projects. 


The Bead Shop Nottingham

Soutache Embroidery Virtual Workshop

YouTube channel (more than 100 videos)



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